This list is a compilation of the papers produced by the Laboratory since its creation in 1960 at the Facultad de Medicina of the Universidad de Chile. The list is not complete as some information was lost (for ever!) in the fire of August 2006, in many cases we are also providing some relevant PDF files.
Esta lista es una compilación de artículos publicados desde la creación del laboratorio en 1960 en la facultad de medicina de la Universidad de Chile. Esta lista no está completa ya que algunos artículos se perdieron (¡para siempre!) en el incendio de Agosto de 2006. Versiones PDF descargables se irán añadiendo paulatinamente.
Articles are organized under the following tags:
Early papers on the Visual system (1960-1990)
Foundational papers on Autopoieis
Foundational papers on Biology of Cognition
Organic Evolution
Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology: Birds
Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology: Mammals
Methods and Quantitative Analysis of Neural Systems
Theory of Metabolic Networks